Vulnerability is key when connecting fathers 💚 Bruce Muchelule, DADing Different
A system-thinker’s approach to building trust 🔴 Evan Hamilton, Reddit
How SXSW created programming *with* its community 🎨Todd Hansen, SXSW & Artist Rescue Trust
Spreadsheets rule the world 📊 David Lyford-Smith, Spreadsheet Warriors
Meet the huge, leaderless web of fans fueling BTS 🎶 Ashley Hackworth, BTS A.R.M.Y.
Connecting designers across Africa during COVID-19 🇰🇪 Lewis Kang'ethe, The Fearless Community
Growing a community one town hall at a time 💰 Claire Wasserman, Ladies Get Paid
Wastin’ away in retirement paradise 🍹 Adam Bedoian, Margaritaville
A band of 500 modern day superheroes 💍 Chris Turner, The Ring Finders
Building real bonds amongst diverse groups of strangers 💖 Sophie Mona Pagès, LVRSNFRNDS
Connecting over the food & family we love 🍲 Sarah Leung, Woks of Life
BONUS! Meet Maggie Zhang 🎙 “Get Together” Podcast Correspondent
Toastmasters: Still thriving 100 years into its history 🗯 Joe Smith, Toastmasters
Realizing a global movement 📣 Colombe Cahen-Salvador, Andrea Venzon & Laura Giani, NOW!
A home 30 years in the making 🏡Ceyenne Doroshow, G.L.I.T.S.
Supercharging grassroots political action in our communities 📢 Nicole àBeckett, SameSide
How a movement took over LinkedIn 🗺Anna McAfee, #LinkedInLocal
LIVE Interview! “Going Virtual” 👩🏻💻 Carla Fernandez & Mary Horn, The Dinner Party
Room for reimagining masculinity 🤝Onyango Otieno, Nyumbani
Growing a restorative community 🌱Jodianne Beckford, Noire Girls Plant